rubber stamps

美 [ˌrʌbər ˈstæmps]英 [ˌrʌbə ˈstæmps]
  • n.橡皮图章;履行审批手续而没有实权的人(或机构)
  • rubber stamp的第三人称单数和复数
rubber stampsrubber stamps

rubber stamps


  • 1
    N-COUNT 橡皮图章
    A rubber stamp is a small device with a name, date, or symbol on it. You press it on to an ink pad and then on to a document in order to show that the document has been officially dealt with.

    In Post Offices, virtually every document that's passed across the counter is stamped with a rubber stamp.


  • 2
    VERB 随便同意;不加思索就批准
    When someone in authority rubber-stamps a decision, plan, or law, they agree to it without thinking about it much.

    Parliament's job is to rubber-stamp his decisions...


  1. Finally he unearthed one of the rubber stamps I used to identify reference books .


  2. All too often , however , milestone reviews turn into rubber stamps rather than rigorous examinations of the programme status .


  3. The courts are not yet rubber stamps .


  4. That state legislature rubber stamps all the bills sent to them by the Governor .


  5. After the requisite rubber stamps ,
